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"Giving children a space of love, and a trusting environment to explore from is some of the most sacred work we can do. I want to prepare Nymue to live an extraordinary life - to do what it is she came here to do, to enjoy the incredible opportunity of being alive, to be kind and embodied. I want her to have the opportunity to shape herself into herself."
- Bronwyn 

What is UnSchooling?

Unschooling is based on a philosophy that when we trust in our children's innate curiosity for life, they will flourish in a constant state of learning. The path offers children the space to explore the world around them for themselves in accordance with the form and pace that feel appropriate to them.


Children are capable of learning much like adults and babies. We read books based on what is interesting to us in the moment and depending on what is happening in our lives. Children are equally as capable of learning with an emergent curriculum. They do not need to be coerced, or put in specially curated environments, or have their thinking planned and ordered for them in order to learn.

World schooling is a process of exposing children to many languages, cultures, and nature for learning in an environment of diversity. It usually involves traveling and living in a wide array of places.


Sacred schooling, a term I coined, is about holding daily rituals, life, our bodies, the environment, and connection as sacred. What makes something sacred is the way we relate to it and hold it. Anything can become sacred by the quality of attention we give it. 


My prayer is that by stewarding the next generation of wisdom keepers to hold life as sacred the more they will be able to cultivate right relationship with the environment, animals, nature, the seasons, and each other. 


How to make a spleen yang warming tea 

Get Nymue’s video on how to make a spleen yang warming tea and help your kids (and you) recover from too much sugar. In it she explains how to make the tea, when to have it, and more. Bronwyn explains the function of the speen and more ways to keep it healthy.

BONUS - Nymue’s free coloring book.

Nymue put together a coloring book with all of her favorite power animals. Eagles, pumas, lions, deer, sacred symbols, and more. This book can be a meditative deep dive for any age.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Select Unschooling on the next screen


Grown-up Library

This selection of books is curated to help caregivers relate with children in a respectful way. Being in a good way with kids and babies encourages them to be sovereign, healthy, capable, creative, and independent thinkers. It also gives us a chance to learn from them!

From Conception to Crawling

Respecting Babies

Foundations for Developmental Movement

By Annie Brook


No-Drama Discipline

Respecting Babies

The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind

By Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson


Learning All the Time

Respecting Babies

By John Holt

#LearningAllTheTime, #Unschooling

Respecting Babies

Respecting Babies

A New Look at Magda Gerber's Rie Approach

By Ruth Anne Hammond


The First Year and the Rest of Your Life

Respecting Babies

Movement, Development, and Psychotherapeutic Change

By Ruella Frank


Being the Parent YOU Want to Be

Respecting Babies

12 Communication Skills for Effective Parenting

By Gary Screaton Page


Tears and Tantrums

Respecting Babies

What to Do When Babies and Children Cry

By Aletha Jauch Solter


Conscious Parenting

Respecting Babies

The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children

By Gabriel Cousens M.D. and Leah Lynn



Nymue's Library

Curated to help her grow to be healthy, capable, creative, an independent thinker, spiritually connected to her inner self, socially responsible, sensitive to her environment and compassionate to other human beings.



By Christelle Vallat
Stéphanie Augusseau (Illu.)


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Esme Shapiro


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The Other Side

By Jacqueline Woodson
E. B. Lewis (Illu.)


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All The Colors Of The Earth

by Sheila Hamanakas (Illu.)



Nymue and the World

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UNSCHOOLING: Morning dance
Rocking out in Cape Town
DANCE: Pregnant Contact Improvisation
UNSCHOOLING: We are heading to Peru

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