Past Events
Selected Past Events
Ecstatic Dance Retreat - Guatemala
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
January, 2020
Northern California Dance Collective
Sequoia National Park, CA
Landing pads are parts of our bodies that allow us to amplify kinetic return, move more safely in and out of contact, and promote longevity for our dancing. Learn ways to safely move in and out of the floor.
SoulPlay Connect - Unlimited Chemistry
East Bay Community Space, Oakland, CA
May 5, 2019
May Day Dance Ceremony at SoulPlay Connect in a few weeks. Get infused with positive relating skills, a turned-on body, and connection to the depth of your being.
Bali Spirit Festival - Healing through Movement & Connecting in Relationship
Ubud, Bali
March 24-31, 2019
Bali Spirit Festival - Contact & Axis Syllabus
Ubud, Bali
March 24-31, 2019
In this fun and dynamic workshop, we will practice moving on our own and in connection with each other. We will use principles of the Axis Syllabus throughout. Contact Improvisation is a dance of connection that shows us how we are as relational beings. It is an investigation into an embodied self, contacting and responding to other beings. This improvised dance form encourages us to be precisely in the present moment and engenders empowered participation in the discovery of relatedness. It is the practice of connecting with our environment and each other as we respond with movement in a way that aligns with the inner self.
Northern California Dance Collective
Kings Canyon , CA
March 10, 2019
We will explore using landing pads as a guide for safe movement and full kinetic return potential through the lense of Axis Syllabus.
Contact Improv & Axis at Ecstatic Dance
Sweets Ballroom, Oakland, CA
December 19, 2018
Contact Improv & Axis at Ecstatic Dance
Movement is Medicine
Finnish Hall, Berkeley, CA
September - December 2018
Axis Syllabus Movement and Methodology, Holistic Dance, and Contact Improvisation. Come pulse, dive, swing, and spiral into integration and aliveness. We will practice moving in and out of the floor, contact improvisation, tapping into motion centers, exploring appropriate joint parameters, inquiring into chronological architecture, and attuning with the autumn and winter season. This movement class series is suitable for beginners to advanced movers!
Comprehensive Reiki Training
Berkeley, CA
September - December 2018
Topics will vary around Asian medical theory, bodywork, acupressure, toning, essential oils, Reiki, yoga, aromatherapy, chakras, crystals, auras, tuning forks, meditation, pendulums, magic, business coaching, and more. The teachings include traditional Usui Reiki and Japanese Reiki Techniques and are grounded in a background of functional medicine and extensive clinical experience.
Women’s Acupuncture Retreat - Movement Exploration
Wilbur Hotsprings, CA
September, 2018
Your dance is holy, and your body is wise. Through movement practices, an energy comes alive that encourages our most authentic expression of self. The cultivation of this force returns us to our essence. Dance is the ritual of bringing ourselves back to ourselves. Come Play.
SoulPlay Dance Ceremony
Pinecrest, CA
September, 2018
Primary to a healthy path is living and acting in harmony with the seasons and cycles of nature. Autumn is about the out breath of our lives, turning inward and a time for reflection and slowing down. Come calibrate with autumn through dance.
SoulPlay Fall Fest - Axis Syllabus
Pinecrest, CA
September, 2018
Axis Syllabus Class
Arms, Shoulders & Mobility - Bay Area Axis Syllabus Exchange
Finnish Hall, Berkeley CA
July, 2018
A class at BAASE exploring the relationship between shoulder blade, chest, and arm motion in slow exploration and more dynamic movements. Come pulse, dive, swing, and spiral in finding a sense of integration and aliveness.
East Bay Reiki Share
Aeire, Berkeley, CA
July 2017 - April 2018
Experience Reiki, tune into energetic medicine, and drop in with yourself and other people in the Reiki community.
Northern California Dance Collective
Sequoia National Park, CA
June, 2018
Landing pads are parts of our bodies that allow us to amplify kinetic return, move more safely in and out of contact, and promote longevity for our dancing. Learn ways to safely move in and out of the floor.
SoulPlay - Water Dance Ceremony
Pinecrest, CA
June, 2018
Nothing is quite like water in softening the hard and simultaneously yielding. Water will be the master medicine of this dance ceremony.
West Coast Contact Improv Jam
Hearst Gym, Berkeley, CA
July, 2018
Bring your kids, bring your grandma, bring your self to this fun, embodied warm up for the family jam.
SoulPlay - Axis Syllabus
Pinecrest, CA
June, 2018
Axis Syllabus Class
Sister Ceremony in Bali
Ubud, Bali
May 19, 2018
An all-day retreat for women. We gather with ceremony, with the intention of connecting with our sacred roots. Nourish your body, clear your mind, open your heart and free your spirit.
Summer Dance Classes
Finnish Hall, Berkeley, CA
May-July 2018
Ongoing classes exploring the movement, methodology, and chronological architecture of the Axis Syllabus. Practice harnessing universal forces while diving into the discovery of our unique shape and expression.
Monday Axis Syllabus Workgroup
Finnish Hall, Berkeley CA
July 2016 - April 2018
Weekly movement classes inspired by the Axis Syllabus: Dance as a ritual of bringing ourselves back to ourselves.
Sister Ceremony at Aerie
Aeire, Berkeley, CA
February, 2018
An all-day retreat for women. We gather with ceremony, with the intention of connecting with our sacred roots. Nourish your body, clear your mind, open your heart and free your spirit.
Ostara: Equinox Ritual Gathering
Aerie, Berkeley, CA
Mar 19, 2017
Weaving Together Ritual and Dance
Goa Contact Festival
Arambol, Goa, India
Feb, 2017
Axis Syllabus Test Flight Class
Nevada City Spring Jam
Nevada City, CA
Feb 8, 2017
Contact Improvisation Class. Inner Kung Fu, Contact, and sequential architecture.
Ecstatic Dance Oakland
Sweets Ballroom, Oakland, CA
2016 - current
Contact improvisation dance classes heavily influenced by the axis syllabus
Enchanted Forest Gathering
Mendocino, Northern California
Axis Syllabus Influenced Contact Improvisation
2016 and earlier
Reiki 1 Workshops: Shoden Beginning
Jan, Jun, Oct 2015, Mar, July, Oct 2014
Apr 2013, Feb, Sept 2012, Feb, May, Oct, 2011 - Aeire, Berkeley, CA
Introduction to basic Reiki principles and techniques, including physical cleansing and clearing pathways for a stronger channeling of universal life force energy, and an increase in psychic and spiritual awareness.
Reiki 3 Workshops: Shinpiden Mystery Teaching
April, Nov 2015, July ,Dec 2014 , Aug 2013, May 2012, March 2011
Dec 2010 - Aeire, Berkeley, CA
Teaching Reiki 3 symbols that enable the channeling of Reiki energy on a Master level. Students learn specific techniques to deepen their treatments and enhance awareness.
Essential Oils for Acupressure Points
Jan. 3 & Oct. 17, 2015
April 27, 2014
May 19, 2013 - Aeire, Berkeley, CA
Essential oils are powerful agents for healing and transformation. Explore using oils on specific acupressure points to address imbalances in the body, focusing on treatments for tension, dissociative patterns, moodiness, and depression.
Apr, Feb 2015, Apr 2012 , Apr 2011 - Aeire, Berkeley, CA
Complete exploration and understanding of the chakras as innate power centers. Learn each chakra's representation, function, and sensation. Explore the applications of essential oils, mantra sounds, hands on work, crystals, and visualizations to balance and harmonize the chakras.
Reiki and 5 Element Theory
Sept. 29, Nov. 7, 2013
Nov. 20, 2011 - Aeire, Berkeley, CA
5 Element theory is based on the idea that the qualities of human qi resemble those found in nature. Learn specific reiki hand locations to treat each element, which organs and emotions the elements are associated with, and how to recognize elemental imbalances. Look at how to use wisdom to differentiate helpful emotions form those that cause or signal imbalance.
Transformation of Qi
July 2013 , Oct 2011 - Aeire, Berkeley, CA
Reiki’s history is steeped in Japanese Culture and Medicine. Explore what is Qi by discussing the 6 functions of Qi and the different types of qi in our bodies. Discover how qi can be replenished or depleted in our bodies and how this could manifest in terms of health or dis-ease. Explore how different emotions effect qi.
Restorative Yoga
April 2013, July 2011 - Aeire, Berkeley, CA
Restorative yoga poses can be used to greatly enhance the efficacy of other treatment modalities. The slow pacing and supportive nature of restorative yoga gives the practitioner the time needed to work directly in each position being treated. Learn positions to use in your own practice as well as ones to assist your clients in.
Auras & Pendulums
July 15, 2012
May 15, 2011 - Aeire, Berkeley, CA
Explore the layers of the Aura with experiential exercises and esoteric anatomical instruction . Attune yourself to more deeply sense the different layers, learn which parts of the Aura to treat for specific disharmonies, and how to diagnose auric Imbalances. We will also play with using pendulums in treatments.